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Bolinda Primary School Statement of Philosophy and Values


Nurturing each student’s academic, social and emotional needs.


We aim to help students develop:


  • the skills to communicate effectively using verbal, written, or interpersonal skills

  • a common understanding of the school values of respect, learning, responsibility, and resilience

  • the skills and knowledge to interpret information in the world around them

  • the use of imagination and creative self-expression

  • the ability to explore and learn through play-based experiences

  • a set of personal and social values

  • decision-making, analysis and problem-solving skills

  • their capacity to become life-long learners

  • an understanding of themselves and their world

  • the ability to think reflectively, critically, and creatively

  • the interpersonal skills to care for, get along with, and respect others

  • the ability to use their voice and have an impact on their community.


To achieve this, we will give priority to:


  • the delivery of high-quality literacy and numeracy programs based on the high-impact teaching strategies. We will achieve this by timetabling a daily literacy and numeracy block, providing up-to-date resources, developing skills in staff to gather, analyse and use relevant data to guide teaching, ensuring regular PD and support for teachers and support staff


  • delivering high-quality, interesting inquiry subjects which immerse and engage students in their learning. These allow students to expand their general knowledge and develop the skills to enable them to become productive and caring members of society.


  • developing a social-emotional learning program where values are discussed, analysed, modelled and recognised to support students to become respectful, inclusive learners. We value the individual differences of each student and will strive to provide for them by differentiating the curriculum and explicitly providing instructions for their social and emotional needs.


  • providing opportunities for play-based learning, placing an emphasis on student voice. Students will have the freedom to explore their learning based on the Gradual Release of Responsibility model.


  • building home-school partnerships to develop meaningful and relevant goals for individual students. Our school will function as a team, with parents and staff, to ensure that each student works toward his/her potential as a life-long learner. We will encourage students to have a positive approach to life and live by the school’s values of respect, resilience, responsibility, and learning.


Bolinda Primary School aims to provide a supportive, stimulating, and challenging learning environment to develop positive, independent, resilient, and inquiring students who are ready for the future. Children are encouraged as individuals to become self-motivated and responsible students able to achieve their best so they can make positive contributions to the community. 



To achieve this we will:


Give priority to:


  • the skills of numeracy and literacy -

by timetabling a regular literacy and numeracy block; appointing staff to lead these areas; providing up-to-date resources; developing skills in staff to gather, analyse and use relevant data to guide teaching; ensuring regular PD and support for teachers;


  • wellbeing –

by actively promoting wellbeing through regular school events related to wellbeing such as dress-ups, book week, and pizza days. We also support wellbeing through the Kimochi Social Emotional Wellbeing program as recommended by experts.


  • communication skills –

by having a regular newsletter; welcoming parents into the school to help and to share their skills; the principal having a supportive, open door approach; developing strong lines of communication; developing links between the School Council and sub-committees; sourcing a range of different methods, such as Compass, Facebook and the See Saw app to maintain regular contact with parents; creating a whole school curriculum that is displayed in the school;



  • Provide an ordered and structured environment so that learning is facilitated;

  • Provide a supportive environment using a Positive Education and Positive growth model;

  • Use a range of rigorous assessment strategies and data analysis to know our students and teach them at their point of need;

  • Encourage all students to work towards their full potential by knowing our students and differentiating approaches to suit their needs;

  • encourage all students to strive for excellence and recognise success;

  • ensure that the school adheres to the democratic principles of:- elected Government; the rule of law; equal rights for all before the law; freedom of religion; freedom of speech and association; and the values of openness and tolerance;

  • offer a wide range of extracurricular activities to suit the varied interests, needs, and abilities of students;

  • have an embedded Social Emotional Learning program where values are discussed, analysed, modelled, and recognised to support students to become respectful, inclusive learners;

  • develop an awareness of the local area and encourage school and wider community interaction;

  • develop an understanding of sustainability and create patterns of resource-saving  behaviour that will be lifelong;  

  • encourage student voice and agency in all aspects of school life;

  • guide students towards independent thinking and learning by using the Gradual Release of Responsibility model.

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